Work Title: COMPASSION App
UI/UX Designer: Jovanna Mireles, Joseline Berumen
Work Description: 
The disabled community, including the elderly, is sometimes excluded because they don’t have the access to the resources that they need such as wheelchair ramps, hearing aids, and seeing assistance. Compassion is an app designed to bridge the gap between the disabled community and their smart city. 
The app features an easy to use navigation system with voice commands and real time instructions to assist people with disabilities navigate their city efficiently. With the option to request accessibility to an area, users are connected directly with the local government and can submit a request. The integrated wheelchair access function helps users easily find locations in their city that already provide accessibility. The app also features a calendar to help users keep track of events, a customizable profile and introduction page to help them identify themselves to other people, and settings that customize the app to fit the user’s specific needs.
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